2 - Journey To Robot: TensorFlow for Machine Learning?

The logo is 10x cooler now, isn't it?

I found an interesting program this morning, TensorFlow. Tensorflow is an opensource library originally created by Google's Machine Intelligence research organization to research machine learning and deep neural networks. It can also be used to build  a machine learning chatbot!

I'm in a bit of a rush, so I'll expand this post tomorrow, but long story short:

  • You can feed example conversations into TensorFlow to teach it how to reply to things.
  • These example conversations are called called "dialogue corpus".
  • Dialogue corpus is available from a couple sources, such as movie subtitles and Reddit replies.
  • Processing the Dialogue takes a LONG time, but is faster using GPU. (I might have to utilize Amazons EC2 instances, or maybe this will give me an excuse to build a Beowulf cluster...)
  • The dialogue libraries will need to be filtered for "inflammatory and offensive" conversation.
  • Lists are fun & "TensorFlow" sounds a lot like "Ebb and Flow" (A type of hydroponic system)

As always, any comments, suggestions, or questions are greatly appreciated! 
Leave a comment, or message me on twitter 🚀
