Common Python Issues

"Slither" - Some digital art I worked on using Photoshop and deep learning algorithms.

As I slither across python issues, I'll post them and their solutions here! If you have any questions or issues you'd like to see listed here, leave me a comment or shoot me a tweet.


(Ubuntu 16.04+ in particular, but this should be applicable to other Linux based operating systems.)

Some useful info:
  • There are two versions of python, python 2+ and python 3+.
  • Both are called using separate names, python (for python 2) and python3 (for python 3)
  • Both versions of python have their own versions of pip that are called using pip (for python 2) and pip3 (for python 3)
  • Packages installed with pip are only available when using python 2.
  • Packages installed with pip3 are only available when using python 3.

How to install
